Autumn weather is finally here and pumpkins, ghosts, and skeletons are popping up everywhere! Whether you're new to the neighborhood or have been here for years, we'd love to see you at one or both of our October events: WWHOA Halloween Party - Jerry Hildebrandt and the WW Social Committee are gearing up for a hauntingly good time just before Halloween (Sat, 10/28 4-8 pm) with candy, kids costume prizes, cupcakes and cider up at Raj's place. WWHOA October Board Meeting Our monthly in-person WWHOA meeting will be held Wednesday, October 18th from 7 pm to 9 pm at Raj's West Wind Bar and Grille, 11330 Country Club Road. The meeting agenda is below. Items that may require a vote are marked with asterisks: OLD/ONGOING BUSINESS 1. Verify Quorum 2. * Approve Minutes (September 20 meeting) 3. Resident Forum – opportunity for residents to ask questions, raise concerns, or comment on matters before the Board. 4. Officer and Committee reports (< 5 min each):
Village Chair
Neighborhood Improvement
Welcome/Social Committee
5. Updates on pending action items (see September minutes) 6. Vacant director, treasurer, webmaster positions. 7. *Next Steps on Casey cut-through (Mike)
NEW BUSINESS 8. *Halloween party at Raj's - Saturday, 10/28 (Jerry). 9. IT assets review (for upcoming budget work session) - Kate 10. Communication - Board and Community - Kate 11. Working session agenda (budget, LLA request re: Raj's property) - Kate 12 Parking lot + Adjourn
Questions, comments, or concerns? Please email me - resident comments and questions submitted by email will be read into the record at the end of the Resident's Forum.