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April 2024 WestWinds News


Today is the last call for candidates for our upcoming election at the WW Annual Meeting. With so many big changes facing us this year (LLA's purchase of the former golf course, the Cherry Run connector road, to mention just a few) the Board really needs the input and involvement of a variety of WestWinds residents. Email if you are interested, or if you have questions about serving!

WestWinds annual dues are due by May 1st! Slightly more than half of homeowners have paid, but there are still 3 weeks to go! See the linked blog post for more information.

Wednesday yard waste pickups have started for 2024, and LLA's board of directors election is underway. You can vote online or at the meeting on May 4th. LLA Spring Bulk Pickup is Saturday, 4/20. List of acceptable items at the link - get your items out to the curb early to avoid disappointment! LLA is only offering one pickup this year, so don't miss it!

Come on out to the WW Spring Fitness Walk on Saturday 4/20 from 8 am to 10 am, starting in the parking lot of Raj's WestWind Bar & Grill. Flyers were delivered to the neighborhood yesterday. Big thanks to the WW social committee and local sponsors Raj Singh, Prospect Pantry, FIT2SHINE studio, 5 West Cafe, and Juice Plus. Warm up and dietician's advice from WestWinds residents Melissa Perlman and Deb Schulze!

Interested in serving as or finding out about the WestWinds Village Chair position? Attend the virtual meeting Wednesday, 4/24 at 7 pm. More information at the link!

You are cordially invited to attend the WestWinds HOA Annual Meeting on April 27th, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - noon inside Raj’s Pavilion, 11330 Country Club Road, New Market, MD.  Please bring a folding or lawn chair - water, donuts and/or muffins, and coffee will be available. This Annual Meeting is required under the WestWinds bylaws to (1) elect Directors to fill Board vacancies, (2) hear reports from officers and volunteer committees, and (3) provide homeowners with a forum to ask questions and provide feedback to the Board. 

ATTAINING QUORUM   To make quorum and hold the meeting, at least 25% of eligible Members (one per household) must attend in person or by proxy.  If we fail quorum, the meeting must be adjourned - no business or votes can take place. MEETING AND ELECTION INFORMATION is going out this week by email, posts on our web site, NextDoor posts, and snail mail - stay tuned!


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West Winds (WW) and Woodlands Preserve located in New Market, Maryland, are governed by an HOA in addition to Lake Linganore Association. The Board of Directors is comprised of West Winds residents. The WW HOA determines additional WW assessments, WW ECC guidelines, and more village specific information. 

West Winds HoA meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm via Microsoft Teams. Please register/subscribe below for Teams Meeting invites.


Please sign up to receive email, newsletters, and other communications from our HoA at


West Winds HoA is located in New Market, Maryland

HoA Email:

ECC Email-

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