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WW News

Stay up to date with all the latest happenings in our community!


The WestWinds HOA and social committee cordially invite you to ring in the holiday season by celebrating with your neighbors on Sunday, December 3rd from 5 to 7:30 pm at Raj's pavilion! A preview of coming attractions:

Poinsettia door prizes

Holiday music, including WestWinds' own Frankie Roma, singing Rat Pack and holiday favorites

Beer, wine, soft drinks, & water provided

Scrumptious catered hors d'oeuvres by Canapes:

  • Stuffed mushroom caps

  • Pork BBQ, Ham, and Beef cocktail sandwiches

  • Chicken crescents with bourbon dipping sauce

  • Mini crab cakes with remoulade

  • Cookies and brownies

  • Friandese (house-made sweets, garnished with mint and fresh berries)

Dress is Business Casual / Holiday Sweaters.

Please do plan to attend - Jerry Hildebrandt and his social committee are pulling out all the stops to provide a lovely party where you can take time from the holiday rush to meet your neighbors and celebrate all the blessings we enjoy here in WestWinds!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

Happy 248th birthday to the United States Marine Corps! If you're free tonight, WestWinds Marines and supporters of Marines will gather at Raj's from 6-7 p.m. to raise a glass to celebrate! Today is also Veterans Day (observed) - a good opportunity to learn more about the history of the holiday and a reminder of those who serve our country.

There's still time to sign up for gentle yoga this Sunday (11/12) at Raj's. Info and signup sheet here.

Save the date: WestWinds Christmas Party December 3rd, 7-9 pm at Raj's. Details to follow!

Steve McKay's talk last night at Raj's pavilion was well attended and informative! Big thanks to Steve for taking the time to speak with WestWinds residents and to Raj Singh for generously lending us his pavilion for the talk. If you missed it, here are a few articles about his proposed development moratorium to help new school construction and modernization/replacement of aging school buildings keep pace with growth in Frederick County:

Several residents alerted me to a message from the Tennis/Fitness center about several break-ins in their parking lot. Apparently the Felony Lane Gang is breaking into cars in search of cash and credit cards. I have no link, but you can click on the screen grab to embiggen it to readable size.

With the holidays coming, please lock your vehicles and do not store valuables inside them. The police have been notified and T&F center staff have put additional security measures in place, but the best insurance is vigilant residents who keep wallets, purses, and other valuables secure.

November has been a busy month with a board work session the first week and meetings with the Casey developer (Elm Street) and the Steve McKay talk this week. Our next regular board meeting is this Wednesday (11/15) at Raj's from 7 - 9 pm. Proposed agenda is as follows. This post will be updated if there are additions/changes. OLD/ONGOING BUSINESS

1. Verify Quorum 2. * Approve Minutes (October 18 meeting) 3. Resident Forum – opportunity for residents to ask questions, raise concerns, or comment on matters before the Board. 4. Officer and Committee reports (< 5 min each):
  • President

  • Village Chair

  • Landscape

  • ECC

  • Neighborhood Improvement

  • Vision

  • Welcome/Social Committee

  • Webmaster/IT

5. Pending action items 6. Casey cut-through updates and next steps

7. Christmas Party - Dec. 3, 7-9 p.m. - discuss details, budget

8. *Review/revise draft budget from 11/1 board work session. NEW BUSINESS 9. Discussion: move annual meeting to March? 10. Discussion - appropriate reserve funds 11. Communication - Board and Community 12. Parking lot + Adjourn

Click photos to embiggen...

Are you wondering how our schools and roads can handle the amount of new development in our area? The Casey/Cherry Run (1010 homes), Hamptons East/Creekside (462 homes), and Gordon Mill (720 homes) developments alone will soon add more than 2000 homes in our immediate vicinity, with a planned 'cut-through' road routing drivers from Cherry Run through our community to Gas House Pike and a new traffic circle connecting us to Creekside, just across from our main entrance.

Development has both positive and negative impacts on surrounding communities. That's why planning is so important - we rely on Frederick County to ensure that our schools, roads, and other public infrastructure grow at a pace that can handle the explosive development in our area.

Please join the WestWinds HOA for an informative talk from Steve McKay, Frederick County Council Member for District 2 on the topic of planning for growth and his proposed development moratorium initiative.

Date: Thursday, November 9th

Time: 7 - 8:15 p.m.

Location: West Wind Restaurant (the former WW Golf Clubhouse), in the Pavilion

11330 Country Club Road

New Market, MD 21774

We look forward to seeing you there!


West Winds (WW) and Woodlands Preserve located in New Market, Maryland, are governed by an HOA in addition to Lake Linganore Association. The Board of Directors is comprised of West Winds residents. The WW HOA determines additional WW assessments, WW ECC guidelines, and more village specific information. 



West Winds HoA meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm via Microsoft Teams. Please register/subscribe below for Teams Meeting invites.


Please sign up to receive email, newsletters, and other communications from our HoA at


West Winds HoA is located in New Market, Maryland

HoA Email:


ECC Email-

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