Please join us for our monthly in-person WWHOA meeting on Wednesday, September 20th from 7 pm to 9 pm at Raj's West Wind Bar and Grille, 11330 Country Club Road.
Look for the sign-in sheet when you arrive so we know who's there! The meeting agenda is below. Items likely requiring a vote are marked with asterisks: OLD/ONGOING BUSINESS 1. Verify Quorum 2. * Approve Minutes (August 9 BoD Work Session, August 16 meeting) 3. Resident Forum – opportunity for residents to ask questions, raise concerns, or comment on matters before the Board. 4. Officer and Committee reports (< 5 min each):
Village Chair
Neighborhood Improvement
Welcome/Social Committee
5. Updates on pending action items (see minutes) 6. Vacant director position. NEW BUSINESS 7. *Christmas Lights - estimate approval/OK to schedule (Hinesley) 8. * ECC Enforcement – updates to fine schedule (Hinesley) 9. * Landscape K extension – vote (Hinesley) 10. Cherry Run Cut-through Survey Results 11. *Next Steps on Cherry Run cut-through (Scott) 12. Discussion re: asking LLA to purchase portions of former golf course (Scott) 13. Parking lot + Adjourn