2024 Annual Mtg & Election
WestWinds HOA Annual Meeting
April 27th, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - noon
Raj’s Pavilion, 11330 Country Club Road
This Annual Meeting is required under the WestWinds bylaws to (1) elect Directors to fill Board vacancies, (2) hear reports from officers and volunteer committees, and (3) provide homeowners with a forum to ask questions and provide feedback to the Board.
Voting and Reaching Quorum
We hope you'll attend the meeting - it's a great chance to meet neighbors, ask questions, learn more about your community, and get the latest news on plans for the former golf course and development in our area. This year, there are two board vacancies and two candidates: Conor Moe and Catherine Randazzo (click names for candidate statements).
IMPORTANT: to hold this meeting and avoid the expense and inconvenience of holding a 2nd meeting paid for with your HOA dues, we need over 100 attendees (1 per household) to attend in person or by proxy. Voting alone does NOT count towards quorum - only in-person attendance or naming a proxy who will attend counts!
Voting and proxy options are outlined below. If you can't attend (or aren't sure you can attend), PLEASE SUBMIT A PROXY TO HELP US REACH QUORUM AND HOLD A SUCCESSFUL MEETING!
Questions or want more details? Download the Meeting Notice and Proxy Forms or email president@westwindshoa.org.
First homeowner to sign in from each address counts towards quorum. NO PROXY NEEDED!
Vote early (electronic ballot 4/15 - 4/25) or submit a paper ballot at the meeting.
SUBMIT A PROXY FORM (with or without voting instructions) TO HELP US REACH QUORUM. One form per household please! Drop your proxy into the locked ballot box on front porch of 11105 Eagletrace Drive from 4/15 - 4/25. See proxy form for additional information and proxy submission methods.
Vote electronically or by proxy 4/15 - 4/25.
SUBMIT A PROXY FORM (with or without voting instructions) TO HELP US REACH QUORUM. One form per household please! Drop off your proxy at locked ballot box on front porch of 11105 Eagletrace Drive from 4/15 - 4/25. See proxy form for more information.
Vote electronically or by proxy 4/15 - 4/25.