WestWinds HOA Board
WestWinds is one of four LLA villages that maintain their own community sub-association under the Lake Linganore Association (our parent HOA) . Our governing documents direct the WestWinds board to:
Uphold the higher community standards set forth in the WestWinds covenants.
Establish WestWinds rules/regulations, annual dues, and budgets.
Work with LLA to monitor annual mowing and landscaping contracts, maintenance, and capital improvements.
Plan projects and social events that foster a sense of community and make WestWinds a welcoming and beautiful place to live.
WestWinds' nominal annual dues of $75.00 are used to support HOA social activities, protect the community's interests, and provide additional landscaping and holiday lighting/decorations not included in the basic services funded by LLA annual dues. Our volunteer Directors are elected for three year terms at an annual meeting held each Spring. Board Officers (Secretary and Treasurer) are paid positions appointed by the Board.
Contact the WestWinds Board
Jerry Hildebrandt
Vice President/Director
Amy Harvick
Mike Scott
Cathryn Hinesley
Conor Moe
Catherine Randazzo
Suzanne Gross
Suzanne Gross
Ellen Wagner
Village Chair
Amy Harvick